Written by
Cluster Co-Ordinator, NRLM
East Lungdar R.D Block
Sialsir village is located in the Sechhip District of Mizoram under E.Lungdar R.D.Block. It is under 28 Hrangturzo Assembly
Constituency. The area of this village is 4 kms in length and 2 kms in breadth. The village is 4520ft. above the sea level.
It is about 170 Kms far from Aizawl- the Capital of Mizoram. Based on the latest census (2011), there are 367 population,
out of which 203 are male and 164 are female. The total number of household at present (2014) is 58.
Pic 1: Sialsir village
The first Chief of the village Mr. Lalruta Chenkual had occupied this village since 1800A.D, at that time, there were around
200 households. He was a rich Chief, he had 7 guns, 3 houses and 10 servants. He passed away in the year 1820 and
entrusted his eldest son, Mr. Liansua to look after the village.
Sialsir village was famous for cattla rearing especially Mithun-rearing, in Mizo language we called it ‘Sial’. Therefore, this
village was also named ‘Sialsir’.
The memorial stone of the Chief Lalruta was laid in the village.
Pic 2: Memorial Stone of Chief Lalruta
In the previous time, Sialsir village earned their living by cattle rearing but now, their main occupation is jhum cultivation.
In their jhum land, they cultivated rice, ginger and chilies. In the year 2013- 2014, they sold 100 qntls approx. of ginger
at the rate of Rs 50/- per kg and chilies were sold around 100 qntls at the rate of Rs. 150/- per kg. Agents of buyers from
other states had came to the village and bought their products for further selling. They also have grown rice for their daily
consumption. Most of their essential commodities are collected from the nearby villages. Their land which they used for
cultivation is about 1 km away from the village. The people of Sialsir village are hard working, dedicated and active in their
works. Their life expectancy is around 65yrs.
Pic 3: Land for jhumming
The various profiles of Sialsir village are mentioned below:-
- No. of Village Council - 1; it consist of 3 members.
- No. of schools : (i) Government Middle School - 1
(ii) Government Primary School - 1
Pic 4: School
- No. of anganwadi - 1
Pic 5: Anganwadi
- No. of Public Distribution System (Retailer) - 1
- No. of church - 1
Pic 6: church
- No. of SHG - 2 (under SGSY)
- No. of gas connection - 2
- No. of grocery shops - 3
Pic 7: Grocery shop
- 9 persons are engaged in service.
- Water reservoir - 2. The area of these reservoirs are 24 cubic feet, through these reservoirs, they distributed water
from eight public points four times in a week.
Pic 8: Water reservoir
- No. of BPL family - 7
- No. of AAY family - 5
- No. of job card holder - 58
- RSBY - 10 beneficiaries
- Health care scheme - 5 families
- All the houses have electric power connection.
In the year 2008 V.C house was constructed under the then MLA, Mr.D.Thangliana LAD’s Fund.
Pic 9: V.C House
Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA), who is responsible to complement the work of health practitioners
in rural areas is very helpful and plays an important role in the village.
Pic 10: ASHA
The village has one library which was sponsored by Mizoram State Library, Art & Culture Deptt.(Mizoram) through
Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), Calcutta.
Pic 11 : Library building
Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) was also introduced in Sialsir village. Under the award of TFC, the village built
and constructed public urinal, public bath, slab culvert, retaining wall and PCC flooring.
Pic 12: Public Bath
Pic 13:PCC Flooring
Some of the R.D. Schemes which are implemented in the village are as follows:-
- Border Area Development Programme (BADP): One Community Hall was constructed under this scheme.
Pic 14: Community Hall
- Indira Awas Yojana (IAY): Four houses were built under this scheme during 2013-2014
Pic 15: IAY
- Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS: Under this scheme, they constructed
BNRGSK Hall in 2011-2012 and village retaining wall in 2013-2014 under material component.
Pic 16: BNRGSK Hall
Pic 17: Retaining wall