Written by
Cluster Co-Ordinator, NRLM
East Lungdar R.D Block
Lungchhuan village is located in E.Lungdar R.D Block, Serchhip district which falls in between N.Vanlaiphai and Chekawn
villages. It lies on 23.8’N Latitude and 93.0’ E Longitude. It is 180 kms far away from State Capital, Aizawl and 45 Kms
(approx.) from district headquarters Serchhip. The surrounding villages of Lungchhuan are N.Vanlaiphai, Chekawn, Sialsir,
Mualcheng and Khawlailung.
Pic 1: Sialsir village.
There are 138 families residing with a total population of 748 of which 375 are male and 373 are female as per 2011
census. The children with the age of 0-6 yrs are 124 which makes up of 17.46% of the total population. The average
sex ratio is 967 which is lower than Mizoram State average of 976. The literacy rate as per 2011 census was 98.46%.
There is one Village Council in the village which comprises of three members.
As per record available, after the famous Lallula’s ‘Thlanrawn Rawt’ (1767), Lallula and one Fanai Chief Rorehlova moved
towards western side of Mizoram in search of new settlement. Then they temporarily settled at the present location of
Lungchhuan and named the new village as ‘Lungchhuan’. Later, Lallula shifted again from Lungchhuan crossing Tuichang
river. However, Rorehlova permanently settled at Lungchhuan till he died. After the death of Rorehlova, Lungcchuan
village was ruined and scattered. In the year 1857, the erstwhile villagers of Lungchhuan formed a village at Khiangzawl
Tlang and invited Lalkhuma, son of a brave King, Vuttaia as their village chief. Lalkhuma accepted the invitation and in
1860, the location of the village was shifted back to the present location of Lungchhuan from Khiangzawl Tlang and remains
one of the villages in Mizoram till date.
(Pic 2 : Rorehlova memorial stone)
The main economy agrarian economy i.e, more or less depends on agriculture and allied activities. The people of
Lungchhuan cultivated variety of crops like ginger, rice, chili etc. Some people are also engaged in the activities of
WRC and orange plantation. In 2013-2014, they collected about 120 lakhs from the sales of ginger, about 9 lakhs
(50 qntls.) from chilies and 3 lakhs from orange. There are four grocery shops in the village and 23 persons are
engaged in service sector.
Number of educational and health institutions at Lungchhuan village are as follows :-
- No. of H/S - 1
- No. of M/S - 1
- Government P/S - 1
- Presbyterian English School (Primary & Middle level) - 1
- No. of sub-centre - 1
- No. of medical store - 2
Pic 3: School
Pic 4: Sub-centre
Pic 5: Medical& Grocery shop
And the other profiles of the village are as follows:-
- No. of church - 2 (Presbyterian & UPC NEI)
- NGOs present in the village are YMA,MHIP,MUP,GSA & MSU
- No. of Public Distribution System (Retailer) - 1
- No. of BPL - 77 ; AAY – 25
- Mode of transportation – There is two direct (daily) sumo services between Lungchhuan to Aizawl and Lungchhuan to Serchhip.
- No. of Creche centre - 1
- No. of water reservoir (Tanky) - 5
Pic 6: Means of transportation - Sumo
Pic 7: Church
Pic 8: Water reservoirs
R.D. Schemes in the village:-
There has been a number of different R.D.Schemes being implemented in the village.
- Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP): Roadside bazaar-cum-waiting shed was constructed under this scheme.
Pic 9: Waiting shed.
- Border Area Development Programme (BADP): Village Community Hall was constructed under this scheme.
Pic 10: Community Hall
- MGNREGS: V.C House (BNRGSK), retaining wall and water tanky were constructed under MGNREGS.
Pic 11: V.C House
Pic 12: Retaining wall
Pic 13: Water tanky
- Three houses were constructed under IAY scheme during 2013-2014.
- Under Micro Enterprise, IWMP, the beneficiaries are engaged in five different trades viz., Hair cutting, Black smithy,
orange plantation, fish pond and stone material.
Pic 14 : Hair cutting salon
Under Thirteenth Finance Commission (2010-2015) award, the village constructed step (road), public urinal & PCC flooring.
They have also done road construction between Khankawn and Lungchhuan under District Development Fund
in 2013.
Pic 16: Public urinal
Pic 17 : PCC Flooring
There are three SHGs under SGSY, the Village Council reserved one building for the SHGs.
Pic 18: SHG’s Building